For best results using the "simple search," use single keyword searches.
For example, if you are searching for information on Miniature Lamps, try using the keyword Smith (authors of books on miniature lamps) or miniature. It is best to refrain from using multiple word or phrase searches with this scaled-down search function.
If you are searching for information on a particular burner such as a Jones burner, then enter the word Jones.
Note: Due to the site content, entering words such as burner or lamp or lighting will return results from almost every page on the site.
Use quotation marks
Use quotation marks to find words which must appear adjacent to each other, for example, "proper burner maintenance." Otherwise, the search results will include the word proper, burner, and the word maintenance, but not necessarily in that order. The words may appear anywhere, and in any order, within the document.
Note: if you are using the Advanced Search Form with radio buttons for "any," "all," and "phrase," then quotes can only be used when the "any" radio button is selected. Quotes are ignored if the "all" or "phrase" radio buttons are selected.
Example: "proper burner maintenance"
Use plus (+) or minus (-)
Use a plus sign when your search term or phrase must appear in the search results. Use a minus sign to indicate undesirable term(s). The plus sign tells the search engine that a certain word or phrase is required in the search results, and a minus sign indicates that a word or phrase must be absent in the search results.
Note: A phrase must be contained within quotation marks. Leave no spaces between the plus or minus sign and the term.
Note: if you are using the Advanced Search Form with radio buttons for "any," "all," and "phrase," then plus and minus can only be used when the "any" radio button is selected. Plus and minus are ignored if the "all" or "phrase" radio buttons are selected.
Example: +"student lamp"

If you want to refine your search, or the basic search returned too many results, then try the Advanced Search feature: